Social Network of Apple Fans


Julie Shakirova

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Application SNAF in AppStore

Dear Friends!We have completed a long and high-quality work on the mobile application of our project.The result is stunning - the functionality is at the high level of a social application. Click here now and install app in your device!

The application contains practically the full functionality of the site: your profile, friends, messages, news, clubs, photos, videos, favourites.

You can upload photos using filters, sign pictures, share your favourite photos and life events with friends, comment, point out what you like. There is a great number of thematic clubs on Apple.

Be online together with SNAF.ME!

2 videos
iPad Mini - Leaked Info - Design, Specs, NFC, Camera [HD]

In this video Will talks about the iPad Mini Leaked info that has recently been released.

From what we have been told the iPad mini will have the following:

- Launch Price Of $199 - £150

- 7.85-inch display

- High-resolution Retina display

- Rumoured to Launch in September

- Launching at the same time as the iPhone 5

- 5MP Eyesight Camera

- Dual-core Apple A5X Processor

- Bluetooth 4.0 technology


"iPad" "iPad Mini" "iPad Mini Leaked info" "iPhone 5 Leaked Info" "iPhone 5" "The New iPhone" NFC "iOS 6" "New iPhone Apple AX5 "iOS" "iOS 6" "leaked info" "WWDC" "New iPhone" "iPhone" "MacBook Pro" "Apple Announcement" "Apple Operating System" "Info" "Ipod" " "Apple (Organism Classification)"


Вера Брежнева - Секреты красоты

Это удивительное по своей эффективности пособие для того, чтобы действительно быть в хорошей форме. Возраст, ограничения во времени и возможностях не имеют никакого значения. Простые, но действенные секреты, которыми делится Вера, исходя из своего собственного опыта, советы профессионалов, которые проверены ею уже на сто процентов. Что говорить, попробуйте - и сами все увидите.